Blade & Soul is an anime adaptation of the game of the same name that has been produced and began airing in April 2014, in which Hiroshi Hamasaki and Hiroshi Takeuchi directed the anime at studio Gonzo from scripts by Atsuhiro Tomioka. Eri Nagata adapts Hyung-Tae Kim's game character designs for animation and serves as chief animation director.[1]
The original storyline revolves around a female Assassin named Alka who travels to seek revenge for her murdered teacher.[2]
The opening theme of the anime is "Sayonara Usotsuki" (サヨナラ嘘ツキ) by MimimemeMIMI, and the ending theme is "RAINBOW" by LEGO BIG MORL. The series was streamed by Crunchyroll in the West.[3]
Episode list[]
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
1 | Path 道 (Michi) | April 3, 2014 |
Summary | ||
Alka is hired by a group of villagers as a mercenary against the forces of the Palam Empire. However, upon discovery of her true identity based on a butterfly marking under her arm, the Palam Empire initiates a massacre of the village. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
2 | Desires 欲 (Yoku) | April 10, 2014 |
Summary | ||
Alka travels to a corrupt oasis city in search of information, where she is targeted by multiple mercenaries due a bounty placed on her head by the Palam Empire. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
3 | Revenge 仇 (Kataki) | April 17, 2014 |
Summary | ||
The fight between Alka and gunslinging mercenary Hazuki leads them to the territory of the Pleasure Gang. Alka is saved by Loana, who involves her in a plot to exact revenge against the Flower Monks of the Palam Empire. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
4 | Sword 剣 (Ken) | April 24, 2014 |
Summary | ||
Alka is discovered and nursed back to health by two orphans that survived by stealing what they needed from the windmill city. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
5 | Flower 花 (Hana) | May 1, 2014 |
Summary | ||
Alka is hired by a man name Shou who is trying to shut down a Heaven's Spirit refinery in a village. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
6 | Dream 夢 (Yume) | May 8, 2014 |
Summary | ||
An anti-Palam guerrilla force organizes themselves for an attack against the empire. Meanwhile dark dealings within the empire itself threaten both the guerrillas and the Flower Monks. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
7 | Time 時 (Jikan) | May 15, 2014 |
Summary | ||
Alka finds herself in a monastic residence known as the Boat of Cleansing where she is reunited with Morii from the Moshiri Village. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
8 | Sky 空 (Sora) | May 22, 2014 |
Summary | ||
Yuu and Alka meet in a desert town and engage in a climactic battle with Jin Varrel. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
9 | Moon 月 (Tsuki) | May 29, 2014 |
Summary | ||
Karen offers Alka a job at the Tomon Inn to give her something to do, but things aren't what they seem. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
10 | Sin 罪 (Tsumi) | June 5, 2014 |
Summary | ||
Alka finds herself in the heart of winter with no food and shelter. Things get complicated when a middle-aged couple offer to give her what she needs. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
11 | Punishment 罰 (Batsu) | June 12, 2014 |
Summary | ||
Alka ends up wandering the streets where she encounters an old flower lady. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
12 | Soul 魂 (Tamashī) | June 19, 2014 |
Summary | ||
Alka, Hazuki, Karen, and Loana engage in a battle to fight for a reason to live. | ||
Number | Title | Original Air Date |
13 | God 神 (Kami) | June 26, 2014 |
Summary | ||
A map leading to a source of eternal beauty sends Hazuki, Loana, and Karen to a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. |
- ↑ Blade & Soul Fantasy MMORPG Gets Anime by GONZO February 7 2014
- ↑ Crunchyroll Adds Blade & Soul Anime for Spring 2014 April 3 2014
- ↑ Crunchyroll Adds Blade & Soul Anime for Spring 2014 April 3 2014